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One of the hats I wear is that of production geek for Online Journalism Review, which this week leads with an interesting piece by Staci Kramer on the evolution of RSS (aka Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) in the online news world. For those who don’t know what RSS is, put simply, it’s a way to quickly retrieve headlines from dozens of sites for easy perusal on your computer.
I take pride in being ahead of the curve on new communication technologies, but I hadn’t given RSS much thought until this week, as I was working on Staci’s story. So I downloaded NetNewsWire, an RSS newsreader for the Mac. (Thanks to Travis Smith for the suggestion.) It’s too early to say whether I’ll use this technology a whole lot, but I can definitely see its appeal.
Anyway, I have finally gotten in step with the times and added an RSS feed to my site. Yeah, I’m sure you are one of the thousands of people who have been waiting patiently for this crucial feature.
For those wondering how to make use of RSS, another OJR article gives some background and surveys popular newsreader software.